Ballie Ballerson: The Adult Ball Park

Ballie Ballerson: The Adult Ball Park

It was a typical Thursday night in Shoreditch except I was drinking a cocktail at an adult Ball Pit. Every adult has an inner child so when I was invited to Ballie Ballerson for my friend’s birthday it was an instant “YES”. Located on Curtain Road, the venue is easily...
Fight Night

Fight Night

Hello everyone, I hope you have all had an interesting week; I for one have had a good one and also have booked some events that I am very excited to go to. My week actually started Sunday with the Vogue Festival where I attended the Bobbi Brown Master class about how...


Hey Everyone, Sorry it’s been a while hasn’t it? I hope you’re all doing well. Where to begin… it’s been a crazy life recently and Smackers has been up to mischief. What is Smackers? Smackers is my fun side, the kind that would make Shystie jump over her back or would...