We can be our own Sheroes

We can be our own Sheroes

It has been a year since my grandmother died and a year since I wrote my poetry. It’s funny how sometimes you cannot remember where you’ve put your keys, but bad memories play back over and over. I still remember it like it was yesterday. My mum messaged me in the...
How to do a Twisted Bun with Ponytail

How to do a Twisted Bun with Ponytail

I have recently become a blogger for Runway Curls Hair and the fun and games is about to begin. A lot has been going on for me, including the preparation for my first performance, at the Precious Beauty and Hair Awards on the 14th of June. I will be performing my poem...
Dear Melanin Boy

Dear Melanin Boy

I often look at my life and see it like Pond, and I know that sounds bizarre but it’s my truth. Before you think I have lost my mind let me explain what I mean and bare with me. Think of life as an Pond and think of life events as stones that get thrown in the pond....
Watching Fast and Furious 8 and Easter

Watching Fast and Furious 8 and Easter

Fast and Furious is one of the films that I always go to see with my Family; considering it’s about family it seems only right. Last Friday I travelled to Crawley with my Family and their spouses or partners. We went for dinner at a place called Turtle Bay and I must...
Melanin – written works

Melanin – written works

You know when you have an idea and its like a seed that takes root. I had that experience the other night which sounds great however it meant I barely slept as I planned how big this tree could grow. A few days later and that root feels like it has spread throughout...